Natural vision improvement: The best tips to take care of your eyes

Natural vision improvement is an achievable goal for those who want to care for their eyes effectively. Knowing the anatomy and function of the eyes is essential to understanding how to maintain good vision. In addition, it is important to be aware of common eye problems and the factors that can affect our vision. There are various strategies and daily habits that we can adopt to improve our vision naturally. Technologies and advances are also being developed in the field of ophthalmology that promise a more hopeful future in terms of visual rehabilitation. Discover how to care for and improve your vision naturally!

Daniel Bursztyn

4/25/20236 min leer

Causes and factors that affect vision

Optimal vision depends on several factors, and it is important to take into account those that can negatively affect our eye health. Next, two of the main factors that contribute to vision problems will be explored: the excessive use of electronic devices and the importance of correct lighting in eye care.

Excessive use of electronic devices and its impact on vision

In the digital age in which we live, it is common to spend long hours in front of the screens of electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets or computers. This prolonged exposure can cause eyestrain, dry eyes, blurred vision, and even headaches. The blue light emitted by these screens can also disrupt your circadian rhythm and make it difficult to get adequate sleep, which in turn can negatively affect your eye health.

To minimize the effects of excessive use of electronic devices, it is recommended to follow some guidelines: take regular breaks to rest your eyes, adjust the brightness of the screen to the optimal level, maintain an adequate distance between the eyes and the screen, and consider the use blue light filters or special glasses to block this harmful radiation.

The importance of correct lighting in eye care

Adequate lighting also plays a fundamental role in visual health. Too much bright light or too little lighting can cause eye fatigue and make it difficult to focus. On the other hand, inadequate lighting when performing visual activities such as reading or working on the computer can force the eyes to work harder, which can lead to long-term eye problems.

It is recommended to use natural light sources whenever possible, avoiding direct bright light and excessive reflections on screens and surfaces. In addition, adequate lighting must be ensured in the work and study environment, using lamps that provide balanced light without shadows to avoid visual strain.

natural vision improvement

The natural improvement of vision is possible through various strategies and practices that contribute to the care and strengthening of our eyes. Below, we explore three key aspects of improving eye health naturally.

Importance of a healthy and balanced diet for eye health
  • A nutrient-rich diet is essential to maintain good eye health. Some foods that have been shown to benefit the eyes include:

  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and Swiss chard, which are rich in antioxidants and vitamin A, essential for eye health.

  • Citrus fruits like oranges and kiwis, which are loaded with vitamin C, another important antioxidant for protecting the eyes from free radical damage.

  • Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna, which are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain good eye health.

  • Nuts and seeds, such as walnuts and almonds, which are rich in vitamin E and other beneficial antioxidants for the eyes.

Exercises and vision therapy to strengthen the eye muscles
  • Just as we exercise our muscles to stay fit, we can also strengthen our eye muscles to improve our vision. Some recommended exercises are:

  • Blinking fast and frequently to keep the eyes lubricated and rested.

  • The near-far focus technique, where near and distant objects are alternated to train focus flexibility.

  • Tracking moving objects to improve eye coordination.

  • Gently massage the eye area to relieve tension and promote blood circulation.

Relaxation techniques and eye care to reduce eyestrain

In the digital age, we spend many hours exposed to the screens of electronic devices, which can cause eyestrain. Here are some techniques to alleviate this discomfort and take care of our eyes:

  • Take regular breaks while using the screen, focusing your gaze on distant objects.

  • Apply the "20-20-20" rule, which is to look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

  • Performing eye relaxation exercises, such as palming, which involves covering the eyes with the palms of the hands to block light and relax the eye muscles.

  • Use lubricating eye drops to help keep eyes hydrated and reduce dry eyes.

Natural alternatives to glasses and contact lenses

For those people who are looking for alternative solutions to the use of glasses or contact lenses, there are natural options that can help improve vision gradually and without dependence on these devices. Here are two recommended natural alternatives:

Use of special contact lenses to treat visual problems

Instead of wearing conventional contact lenses, you can consider special contact lenses that are designed to treat specific vision problems. These may include therapeutic contact lenses or rigid gas permeable contact lenses that help correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. It is important to consult a specialist in optometry or ophthalmology to determine the appropriate type of special contact lens needed for each case.

Orthokeratology therapy: reshaping the cornea while you sleep

Orthokeratology therapy is a non-surgical option that uses rigid gas permeable contact lenses overnight to gently reshape the cornea while you sleep. This technique allows you to enjoy clear vision during the day without the need to use glasses or contact lenses. However, it is important to note that this treatment is reversible and requires consistent overnight contact lens wear to maintain results.

It is essential to mention that, before considering any alternative to glasses or contact lenses, it is necessary that an eye care professional perform a complete examination and provide specific guidance according to individual needs. Each person is unique and may have different visual requirements, so professional advice is vital for the proper choice of the natural alternatives that best suit each case.

Daily habits to care for and improve vision

To maintain healthy eyesight and improve vision naturally, it is essential to adopt certain habits in our daily lives. Here are some tips and recommendations that will help you take care of your eyes and achieve better visual quality.

  • Adequate rest and prevention of visual fatigue

  • Avoid spending long hours in front of screens, such as computers, televisions or mobile devices. Take regular breaks and blink frequently to keep your eyes hydrated.

  • Make sure you have good lighting in the work environment. Proper light will reduce eyestrain and eye strain.

  • Place the screen at eye level and at a suitable distance to avoid unnecessary eye strain.

  • Practice relaxation exercises for your eyes, such as blinking slowly and gently, or focusing on distant objects for a few minutes every hour.

Tips to maintain good eye hygiene and avoid infections
  • Wash your hands before touching your eyes or handling any type of contact lenses or glasses.

  • Use specific solutions to clean your contact lenses and follow the instructions for use and replacement provided by the manufacturer.

  • Do not share your contact lenses with other people and replace them regularly as recommended by your ophthalmologist.

  • Avoid rubbing your eyes frequently, as this can increase the risk of infection or injury.

  • Keep your glasses clean and free of dirt or scratches

Remember that these daily habits are essential to maintain good visual health and prevent possible eye problems. Incorporating them into your daily routine will allow you to care for and improve your vision in a natural and effective way.

Vision in the future: What can we expect?

Visual health is undergoing continuous scientific and technological advances that promise significant improvements in the field of ophthalmology. These innovations allow us to glimpse a promising future in visual improvement and rehabilitation for various conditions.

Promising scientific and technological advances in ophthalmology

Researchers and scientists are hard at work developing breakthrough technologies that will revolutionize vision care. Here are some of the promising scientific and technological advances:

  • Gene therapy: Gene therapy is emerging as a revolutionary option to treat hereditary eye diseases. By introducing healthy genetic material, it seeks to correct the genetic mutations responsible for these conditions.

  • Nanotechnology applied to eye devices: Nanotechnology is opening up new possibilities in the design and development of medical devices for eye care. The use of nanomaterials could allow a more precise administration of drugs, as well as a greater efficiency in the delivery of therapeutic agents.

  • Retinal implants: Advances in retinal implant technology are helping to restore vision in people with conditions such as retinitis pigmentosa. These electronic implants stimulate nerve cells in the retina to generate visual perceptions.

  • Augmented reality in surgical procedures: Augmented reality is beginning to play a crucial role in the planning and performance of ophthalmic surgeries. Real-time visual information overlay provides surgeons with more precise and detailed visual guidance during procedures.

Perspectives of improvement and visual rehabilitation for different conditions
  • In addition to technological advances, there are also great prospects when it comes to visual improvement and rehabilitation for different ophthalmological conditions. These are some examples:

  • Neuroadaptation in cases of strabismus: Visual training programs that promote neuroadaptation in patients with strabismus are being researched and developed. These therapies focus on retraining the brain and improving eye coordination.

  • Cell therapy for degenerative diseases: Studies and clinical trials in cell therapy offer hope in the treatment of degenerative diseases of the retina, such as age-related macular degeneration. Stem cells and other promising techniques have the potential to regenerate tissue and restore lost vision.

  • Night vision improvements: Technologies and treatments are being investigated that seek to improve night vision, especially in people who have difficulty seeing in low light conditions. These advances could help reduce reliance on artificial lighting and improve mobility in dark environments.